Missing Teeth? Why Not 'Grow' New Ones!
Dental implants are the ideal way to replace a lost tooth, especially in the front of the mouth where they are most visible. Unlike bridges or removable dentures, which sit on top of the gums, dental implants are placed under the gums. The "tooth" placed on an implant appears life-like, because it comes through the gums just like the original did – it's like growing a new tooth! Implants can be used to replace any number of lost teeth. Even people with no teeth can benefit from implants, because they can replace their dentures with teeth that are solid enough to eat any food, don't move around when they talk, and don't need to be taken out at night. They can also be used to "lock-in" dentures for a secure fit.
Dental implants (usually titanium) are surgically placed into the upper and lower jaw bone. Dr. Wostrel follows a 'team approach' to custom-create natural looking implants, which often enhance or restore a patient's smile.
Ask us if implants are right for you. Call for a dental implant consultation today.
Implant Dentistry Littleton Colorado
Rocky View Dental Care
Tel: 303-797-6129
1 West Dry Creek Circle
Littleton, CO 80120